Museum 2.0: Sandspuren

Al enige tijd geleden stuitte ik via youtube op wederom een erg leuk concept voor het aanbieden van erfgoed, in dit geval archeologie. Nu ik mijn pc aan het opschonen was kon ik jullie er toch niet van weerhouden. Het betreft een (vrij vertaald)  “interactieve opgravingsdisplay”. Deze display weet perfect de beleving van het fysieke met nieuwe media te combineren door de gebruiker een archeologische opgraving te laten uitvoeren op een digitale tafel. De gebruiker graaft, maakt schoon en ontsluit een vondst via een digitale display, maar(!), maakt daarbij gebruik van (fysiek) zand en gereedschappen. Deze display is in de zomer van 2007 ontwikkeld. En ik vind hem helemaal geweldig!

Volgens de ontwikkelaars, Sybille Neuweyer en Florian Fuchs, in samenwerking met The University of Applied Siences te Wurzburg: “Our archeological excavation table “sandspuren” is conceived to get the visitor of a musuem closer to the exponations. So we took the basic idea of “experimental archeology” ( direct experience and integration of all senses) to break the distance between the visitor and the exponation object. We extended our digital information table with analogue components, which enabled an individual immersion with this issue. The action developments of the user is based on the operations of the archeologic work. The effect is that the user gets more awake to the certain value of archeological work, one the one hand to excavate them and bring them in the museums, on the other hand to reconstruct our culture with these finds.”

“For a graphic form language we used sand as information carrier. The sand generates the context images by brushing their outlines, which has two advantages: the sand doesn´t disappear from the table and forms a visual identity. In addition to that the user has to excavate through the information step by step.
For example: When we excavated the ring after a while an animation starts which constructs an arm of a woman out of the sand. This is the basic idea how the user navigates through the application: brushing over some sand and after a while he can see some context images or hear additional information about the finds. In this way the historical context which was degenerated to historical sand through times, generates itself even through sand again. Another advantage of this application is the feeling the user has afterwards: he really thinks that he found this specific find and the information about, that it was an adventure for him. We also designed another tool, a kind of magnifier, to get more Information about creation and handling of the finds.”

Zie hier voor ook de technische uitleg!

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