DISH2009, Call for proposals

DISH-logoVan 8-10 december zal in Rotterdam een internationale conferentie plaatsvinden over digitale strategieën voor erfgoed en e-cultuur, DISH2009. De organisatie van DISH (DEN en Erfgoed Nederland) wil zoveel mogelijk erfgoedprofessionals hiervan op de hoogte stellen en een oproep doen om voorstellen in te dienen, een call for proposals. Hieronder plaatsen we op verzoek van de organisatie de verkorte internationale (Engelse) tekst van de oproep en daaronder de pdf (die via Slideshare te downloaden is). Breng svp zoveel mogelijk connecties op de hoogte. Nog meer informatie is te vinden op de website van DISH 2009.

call for proposals

“Digital Strategies for Heritage (DISH) is a new bi-annual international conference on digital heritage and the opportunities it offers to cultural organisations. Triggered by changes in society, heritage organisations face many challenges and need to make strategic decisions about their services. DISH2009 aims at sharing knowledge about and experiences with digital strategies. What roles do cultural heritage institutions have in a networked society? What is the impact of digitisation on these organisations? Why are certain digital services more successful than others? Which business models are suited to the cultural heritage sector? Why would archives, museums and libraries co-operate? These are some of the questions that will be addressed in keynotes, presentations, debates and workshops.

The conference will be for all staff of cultural heritage institutions that are responsible for policy issues and/or management of digital collections and services. The conference will enable participants to learn more about strategic decisions on all aspects of digital heritage services.
The Programme Committee seeks contributions from professionals in archives, museums, libraries and other heritage institutions and from researchers or innovators outside the heritage field.

Would you like to contribute and know more read the call for proposals in pdf-format.”

Need more information?

Please contact:
Marco de Niet
Director, DEN Foundation
+31 70 3140 343

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