ICOM CECA 2012: pre conference workshop
On Saturday October 20th 2012 I arrived in Yerevan for the ICOM CECA conference. That same afternoon I led a workshop on …
On Saturday October 20th 2012 I arrived in Yerevan for the ICOM CECA conference. That same afternoon I led a workshop on …
After a pre-conference day with workshops and opening ceremonies, today was the official first conference day of ICOM CECA 2012 at Yerevan, …
(bron: ICOM) This year, ICOM is sponsoring a photo contest, “Me in my Museum”, to celebrate the 35th anniversary of International Museum …
Vandaag is de nationale dag van de duurzaamheid. Er worden maar liefst 868 activiteiten georganiseerd in Nederland: van een nationale elfstedentocht met …
“The world’s only survey of the best museum, heritage and conservation projects.” Dit is hoe ICOM, UNESCO, Europa Nostra en de overige …
Het lectoraat Cultureel erfgoed van de Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten organiseert op woensdag 3 juni voor de tweede maal de Reinwardt …